Vinyl, Rum, Tapas & Wine-eveniment caritabil

vinylIn caz ca nu ati auzit de, Vinyl, Rum, Tapas & Wine este o comunitate dedicata iubitorilor de vinil si alte lucruri fine. Vinerea asta ne delectam cu niste lucruri mai grele, printre ele si asa-zisa piftie de Craciun. O sa avem tapas reinterpretate intr-un stil mai traditional, dar pastrand reteta clasica de bun gust si ingrediente fresh.
De cateva editii, VRTW e un mic social gathering, in care se asculta muzica pe vinil, uneori cu insertii live. Si in editia de vineri ii vom avea prezenti pe instrumentistii Christian Melak si Paolo Profeti, de care poate ati mai auzit din proiectul Nopame.
Astfel, vineri, 19 decembrie 2014, incepand cu orele 20.00, vor fi strangere de hainute si alimente pentru copiii de la Phillip House Foundation, cat si un vinyl sale pentru colectionari.
Pe lung:
++ Record Sale ++ Bring Christmas Presents for Disadvantaged Children ++ Christmas Gift Packs ++ VRTW Gear ++ Traditional Christmas-ish Tapas Reinvented ++ Billie Holiday ++ Miles Davis ++ Frank Sinatra ++ Dave Brubeck ++ Eta James ++ Bahama Soul Club ++ Louis Armstrong ++ Ella Fitzgerald ++ & more :)..:: News :: From now on, record sale every VRTW. Thank you, Misbits ::….:: Every child should feel the warmth and happiness of Christmas, and, with your support, we’re doing our part. We invite you to bring them presents, especially clothes, toys and school stuff. We’ll collect and deliver them to Phillip House Foundation, a UNICEF partnered NGO that supports disadvantaged children and their families throughout Romania ::….:: News :: For this “piftie” special Christmas edition we’re gonna help you get the perfect gift, in the perfect VRTW bag. Come and see 🙂 ::..

..:: We’re on for “curator mode” – vinyl lovers are invited to showcase some of their jazz/funk/soul/rock’n’roll records with us. It’s not a DJ’ing event, we’re promoting musical discovery, so we’d like to enjoy “plain” whole records. If you own a collection and you’d like to be a part of this, just come on Saturday with a proud face, holding your records close to your heart 🙂 ::..

We invite you to feel with us, to play, to enjoy some energetic rum, to dance like crazy, to meet new people over a glass of great wine and to chill it out with some tapas.

Listening to a vinyl record is a labor of love that brings people together. Analogue recordings are vibrant and dynamic, and they’re the closest thing to having Jimi Hendrix sing before you.

For a few hours, plan to forget digital, processed, targeted, business driven, compressed sounds, and enjoy the music like it was meant to be enjoyed.

++ Curator: UFe
++ Live Act: Cristian Melak (percussion), Paolo Profeti (sax)
++ Guests: Vlad Bodea; bring your records for showcasing 🙂

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