In 2024, and 10 years after its creation, HELLFEST CULT will become THE FANZONE, a space for conviviality and relaxation in the heart of the Metal Corner for Hellfest fans.

Accessible from the day before the official opening of Hellfest, this area will offer several services and entertainment during the weekend, before a final evening of concerts/closing on Sunday evening with guests!

For 5 days, find several services and activities on the FANZONE: – Shaded terrace with relaxation area:
😴 Sofas, seats, hammocks, fans
– Free
phone top-ups 💧🪫 – Water point, mirrors and toilets
– Bar with beers, soft drinks and strong
🌭 spirits 🍻 – Snack bar with breakfast, hot dog and croque-monsieur
💆 – Free osteotherapy, physiotherapy, massages and reflexology sessions in private
boxes – Free access to a hairdresser/barber
🩸 – Free flash tattoo
sessions – Evening concerts opening on Wednesday 26 June and closing on Sunday 30 June with KLONE as a special guest 🎸
🤘✂️ – Animations, goodies, signings, Meet & Greet, tastings, competitions and happenings
❔ – Other surprises and activities will be added between now and then!

➡️ Ticketing for access to the FANZONE available now on (limited quantity)

⚠️ A 4-Day pass for Hellfest 2024 is mandatory to access the FANZONE ⚠️

  • Your FANZONE ticket will be exchanged for a FANZONE wristband when you arrive at the festival.
  • Free access for children under 17 years old, accompanied by a responsible adult with FANZONE access (limit of one child per adult)

Find all the information on


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