Concert review: LUNAFLY @ Bucharest

Upon the arrival of summer we had the second k-pop concert in Romania, which took place on the 25th of July at Casa de Cultura a Studentilor from Bucharest.

I’m going to start with a little intro by telling you that Lunafly is a band from South Korea and it consists of: Sam (vocals & guitar), Teo (vocals, percussion & keyboard) and Yun (vocals & guitar), and their musical style can be described as a mix of acoustic, pop and k-pop.

They made their debut in September 2012 with the single called “Super Hero” which contains two songs in English: “Super Hero” and “ You Got That Something I Need”, the guys wanted their music to be understood and appreciated by foreign fans as well.

Even after their debut, the Lunafly members kept a close relationship with their fans from all over the world by releasing tracks in English as well as English versions for some of their Koreans songs.

Aside from their own music which they write or compose, the boys also take great pleasure in making their own renditions of songs from other artists. The cover videos that they constantly post on the internet are well loved and appreciated by their fans.

While being on their European tour, we were lucky to have them stop in Bucharest as well and gift us with a wonderful concert experience that we will never forget. The chosen location was not very big, which made the general ambience to be more friendly and cozy.


After a short fashion presentation showcasing the Hanbok (traditional Korean attire) and some dance moments, the Lunafly members came on stage and started the concert by performing their song called “Clear Day, Cloudy Day”.

Right from the beginning the atmosphere was explosive! the fans bursted with energy, screaming at the top of their lungs during and after each song and conversation that was taking place on stage.

And while I’m at it, I’m gonna tell you that the boys had a great time and they were impressed by the extremely warm welcome and even by some technical details like the sound, Teo told us that his percussion instrument(cajon) sounded the best in Bucharest.

Extremely talkative and friendly, the Lunafly members did their best in trying (and succeeding) to talk to us in Romanian, and Teo also gave us a demonstration of his language skills by speaking to us in Japanese, Spanish, Chinese etc.

There was also a special moment when a fan gave Yun a rose and he invited her on stage, where along with Sam & Teo he performed for her the song “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars. The fans were excited to see their interactions and gave them a background of squeals and screams


Among the cover songs that the guys performed, there was also a Romanian song that they worked hard to prepare and let me tell you it sure paid off! The song is called “Nemuritori” by Smiley, and I was seriously impressed at their decent Romanian and how good they sang it. The fans were ecstatic to hear their rendition and the concert hall looked like a scene from a huge party or carnival: the guys came off stage and they were singing and jumping along with all the fans creating a perfect synergy.

Songs like ““One More Step”, “You Got That Something I Need”, ”Fly To Love”, ”Special Guy”  but also covers like “Impossible” (James Arthur), “When I was your Man” (Bruno Mars),”Not a Bad Thing” (Justin Timberlake) made-up the playlist that Lunafly delighted us with.

We also had the great pleasure and honor to listen to a new song called “Kiss You” which the boys wrote a few weeks ago and performed for the first time in Romania. The feedback from the fans was beyond positive, as they quickly memorized the key parts and sang along with the boys.

Towards the end of the evening when the band left the stage, I can honestly say that the concert venue turned into a stadium – everyone was shouting “Lunafly” while banging their feet on the floor perfectly in sync, being eager to spend some more time with the boys.

After a few minutes of shouting & screaming from the fans, the guys came back on stage where they were greeted by the organizers with a cake and some gifts. The members of Lunafly then made sure to thank the organizers, the staff and of course the fans for making the concert possible. The evening ended with an encore of two songs: “Wake Me Up”  by Avicii and the English version of “Dragostea din Tei” by O-Zone.

It was an amazing concert from every point of view and the Lunafly members had a stellar performance! they were very friendly, energetic and just a pleasure to watch and listen to. I’m sure I speak for all the Romanian Lukies when I say that we will be more than happy to have them visit us again!

The k-pop fan community in Romania is still in the beginning stages, but with time and as we will have more concerts I am sure that it will grow more and more. At the two concerts that we had so far, I saw the burning desire in all the Romanian k-pop fans to take part in this kind of events, and as the organizers promised us – we are in for another surprise in November.

So, k-pop fans get ready!

Clear Day, Cloudy Day
One More Step
When I was Your Man (Bruno Mars)
I’m yours (Jason Mraz)
Baby (Justin Bieber)
Payphone (Maroon 5)
Impossibe (James Arthor)
As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber)
California King Bed (Rihanna)
Yo te voy amar (Nsync)
Just the way You Are ( Bruno Mars)
How Nice it Wolud Be
You Got That Something
As Long As You Love Me (Backstreet Boys)
Mirror (Justin Timberlake)
Can I Kiss You
Not a Bad Thing (Justin Timberlake)
Innocent and Young
50 ways to say goodbye (Train)
Nemuritori (Smiley)
Fly to Love

Wake me up (Avicii)
Dragostea din Tei (O-Zone)



Photo Galery

Galerie Foto: LUNAFLY @ Casa de Cultura a Studentilor

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