
And Artillery finally arrived in Romania as well.

If last year they were supposed to headline the Romanian Thrash Metal Fest, yet from specific reasons they had to postpone the concert (Morten Stutzer, the band’s leading guitarist, had to be hospitalized due to critical heart conditions), on Saturday they managed to arrive and show us what quality thrash metal is.

Fabrica – a small, yet welcoming club – was packed on Saturday.  Those who bought tickets last year for the RTMF had free entrance at the concert but there were also people present specifically for Artillery.

They had, just like they announced for the RTMF, a concert mainly based on the historical album “By Inheritance” (1990), specially adjusted for live performances, lasting more than 90 minutes.


The cheering and applauds started ever since the band members stepped on stage in order to set their instruments and throughout the entire show, being interrupted every once in a while by those who were moshing or stage diving.

It’s beyond words what I’ve been feeling for at least an hour and a half. I was singing and cheering until I remained speechless, I was carried away by mad rhythms and got agitated until I become almost breathless.

Everyone was ecstatic. They were clinging onto them like clinging for the last lifeboat, they needed their energy and vitality as if what was coming from the artists was life depending. As if hypnotized, they were singing in unison and they were almost managing to cover the ever so clear, yet strong and quite rough voice of Michael Bastholm Dahl.

Michael, Artillery’s vocalist since 2012, matches perfectly with the band’s present style. Vividly expressive, charismatic and with spine-chilling vocal tones, he manages to give to the music he sings a style of its own which also appeals very much to the public.

We have witnessed some absolutely phenomenal guitar solos. Peter Thorslund, Morten Stützer and Michael Stützer are absolutely exceptional guitarists. Vibrating and electrifying sounds were flowing from their instruments, which seemed to come alive under their fingertips. They were weeping and laughing in profoundly natural tones and in the air the sounds were catching shape and were seeking to engulf you fully, to sensitize or awaken you, depending on what they wanted to convey.

art 3

They had a brilliant show, highly spirited and rhythmic and the communication with the crowd was at its best. It can be seen that they love what they do and that they infuse passion into every lyric, gesture, tune, it can be seen that they are happy to make us happy.

They also performed songs from the new album “Legions”, as well as older and beloved songs.

The Danish Quintet reminded us once more that the northerners make the highest quality rock music out there.

Friendly and extremely “normal”, they remained with us after the concert, we who have long awaited to “snatch” at least a memory from them: a picture, an autograph, a smile or a word and a handshake. I myself had them all and I will remember this night for a really long time.

Hopefully they will soon return to Romania. We will all anxiously wait for them.

Setlist:   Chill My Bones,  When Death Comes,  Beneath The Clay,  Dark Days,  Legions,  Bombfood,  The Challenge,  By Inheritance,  Don´t Believe,  10,000 Devils,  Dies Irae,  Deeds Of Darkness ,  7.00 am taskens,  Khomaniac,  Terror Squad,  The Almighty,  Razamanazz.

Invited on stage to open the Artillery concert were Mass Cremation from Bulgaria and Damage Case from Romania.

mc1Our Bulgarian neighbors, Mass Cremation, were really impressive.

A high quality old-school thrash/death metal which appealed to the public very well, which public grew fond of them very quickly.

A clear, yet perfectly rough voice, fit for this musical genre, Kalin, extremely good guitars, Kalin and Neno, and stunning drums, Trendo. Three people who are worth as other much larger bands, three instruments which offer flawlessly a superb concert.

They quickly grew closer to us through their unselfconsciousness, their calm with which they were presenting it all, creating an intimate atmosphere. It seemed like they weren’t on stage in front of a heavily animated crowd but rather in a studio or at home in a private concert with some friends.

We gladly and enthusiastically enjoyed Mass Cremation’s performance. They baffled us with their rhythms, made us run wild, made us feel what they wanted to convey, they made us have a really great time.

Hopefully we will be seeing them soon. I have the feeling they won over quite a number of fans this Saturday night.

Setlist: Thermonuclear war,  Red giant,  Revolt,  Xenomorph,  Violence,  Zombie attack, Possessed by Succubus,  Mass Cremation, Deathhammer,  Dead Souls.



Chosen to open the event were the young Romanians from Damage Case.

Frankly they didn’t get to impress me very much. Not to be mean or anything but I am perfectly aware that they are still young and they have just started out. It can be seen that they are trying and aspiring for more.

Instrumentally speaking they weren’t bad but there is still some refining to be done on the rhythm and vocals. Probably with a little bit more practice (to make it perfect), with a little extra attention and less nervousness, next time it will be something else.

I for one wish them luck and will be waiting to see how they will evolve and maybe next time I will just have to say…wow.

Long as hours, yet so brief this night was.

Despite prolonging well after the concert, despite the wonderful moments, with a spectacular concert, with beautiful people both musically and spiritually, it all flew by too fast.


Congratulations to the bands for the wonderful moments they shared with us. Congratulations to the organizers for making this night possible. It’s been a perfect 15th of February Saturday night.

Translated By Teodora Seredan

Photo gallery: here



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