The sky is the limit! Les Elephants Bizarres lanseaza piesa „Skywalker” Asculta aici: Baietii bizari au revenit cu un track cosmic. „Skywalker” este piesa ce continua seria inceputa cu „Something In Your Eyes”, cu versuri in limba engleza si linii dreamy. Familia Skywalker este compusa din Enver Mamut (music production), Stefan Matei (versuri), Codrin Lazar (StarRec Studios) – mix & master si @unmatei (video). Asculta / Descarca “Skywalker”: Proiectul grafic te introduce intr-un univers alternativ, fara norme, o lume a creatiei, o lume tangibila, dar totodata intacta, o lume fara limitari teritoriale care face legatura intre terestru si astronomic. Les Elephants Bizarres este o trupa indie-electro-pop cu peste 10 ani de activitate. Cu 3 albume la activ si numeroase single-uri, LESEB este una dintre cele mai indragite prezente din alternative-ul romanesc. De-a lungul timpului, baietii au deschis concertele unor artisti internationali precum Maroon 5, James Blunt, Roxette, iar pieselor lor au fost difuzate pe radio. May the force be with you! Versuri: Is there something I can chase Like a drum and a bass Like mice in a maze Like a light Got in a fire You want light One light And the city lights And you on my mind I’m walking with no purpose Drunk, broke and nervous I got a knife in my soul Can’t see my goal This can not be right Cause I lost sight Cause I lost sight I lost sight It’s a cosmic love I’m a skywalker You’re my star I dream magically I’m awake and loose Magic Couldn’t fool myself Couldn’t hurt myself So I got up So I got up So I got It’s a cosmic love I’m a skywalker You’re my star |