“If you don’t come to Hellfest, Hellfest will come to you!”

Now an unmissable event of the Hellfest “experience”, the Warm-Up Tour, a real Tour de France of concert halls, is back on the road next April!

The opportunity to start the festivities and to unite the community of fans around concerts and animations in the atmosphere of Hellfest!

For this 2024 edition, two French-speaking bands with extreme styles, ready to roll on each room of the Warm-up: The bosses of Brutal Death BENIGHTED and the new Deathcore sensation TEN56.

Also find “Special Guests” on several dates of the tour:

RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR and their destructive Crossover on a second date in Montbéliard (with the winners of the Voice of Hell 2023: KAMIZOL-K as the opening act), as well as in Paris, in the prestigious hall of the Cité de la Musique, on the sidelines of the exhibition that will honor Metal at the Philharmonie de Paris.
The Hardcore / Melodic (and made in Clisson) combo STINKY which comes back stronger and more committed than ever will open the hostilities for the closing night of the tour at the Warehouse in Nantes on May 4th.

Info and ticketing: https://linktr.ee/hellfest



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