Excrementory Grindfuckers release seventh studio album on November 29th

Album announcement, sampling + first single release: Excrementory Grindfuckers release seventh studio album on November 29th
“Musik zum Kopfschütteln” (Music to Shake Your Head) is the title of the 16-song album and shows why it’s not good that everyone is allowed to make music. It quickly becomes clear that the album contains exactly what the title says and underpins the position of the Grindfuckers as a ghost driver in the fast lane of the metal industry. From Eurodance, Spanish guitar, Trapbeats to Funk, all genres are served, tastelessly combined and garnished with brutal Deathmetal as a grounding element – everything created as always in own production.
The album, album cover, general band info, band photos and band logo are available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fwqz9ob1sxl635q/AADn1HHFqVpT4k9FuHORP8tua?dl=0
The first single release “Wir sind die Excrementory Grindfuckers” is audible on streaming platforms since today and even with a Lyric video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/UTeLEqgQ-eo
Artist: Excrementory Grindfuckers // Album title: Musik zum Kopfschütteln // Date of Release: 29.11.2019 // Length: 50:40 min. // Complete in own Production // Genre: Grindcoredancemusic // Contact: presse@excrementory.de
  1. Das Album des Jahrtausends
  2. Wir sind die Excrementory Grindfuckers
  3. Alles in die Wurst
  4. Shitfaced
  5. Tequila
  6. Crashtestdummystyle
  7. Trotzdem
  8. Schabernack
  9. Getanzt
  10. Du hast den Alkohol nie wirklich geliebt
  11. So viel Liebe
  12. Ich, zornig
  13. Voodoo Lady
  14. Schwerenöter
  15. Braunes Gold
  16. Armageddon fällt aus
About the Excrementory Grindfuckers
The EXCREMENTORY GRINDFUCKERS are the uninvited guests that drink awayall the booze at your party and puke into your entrance hall when leaving. The fivegrindcore-fools from Hannover have set themselves to redefine the limits of badtaste, what they successfully do since more than 15 years and with eight self-produced studio albums they released in the meantime. Their aim: Taking the pissout of the oh so serious metal scene. With a sound between Hans Zimmer, pop-music and cracking bubble wrap they cleverly disguise ambition and aspirationbehind a silly mask of mental enfeeblement.



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