digital collection & meet and greet at Rage Road Tour

Long story short:

We are thrilled to announce that during the ROAD RAGE TOUR, we will be hosting exclusive meet-and-greet sessions for the incredible people who supported our crowdfunding campaign. This will be a fantastic opportunity for us to connect, share stories, enjoy some drinks, and capture memorable moments together (with us and/or the van). Additionally, we have a special treat for those who contributed 400 lei or more – you’ll be receiving our exclusive t-shirts!

Please reply to this email if you plan to participate at one of the meet & greet sessions by specifying the city and the number of persons if someone close to you will accompany you (attention: you will need to buy a ticket to the event).

As a token of our appreciation, we’ve also decided to gift all of you with Dirty Shirt’s digital album collection. You can download the files via the WeTransfer link provided below. Please note that the link will be active for just one week, and we trust that you’ll value this gift and not share it randomly on the internet.


Tour announcement:

We kick off the ROAD RAGE TOUR with our first post-COVID concert in London. This tour holds a special place in our hearts as it’s theI inaugural journey with our new van, partly financed through crowdfunding (huge thanks to the 250+ participants). We’ll be performing numerous shows in Romania and abroad, alongside our friends Łydka Grubasa and Heľenine Oči. Additionally, there will be other gigs (we welcome suggestions 🙂 ) and we’re excited to feature some other awesome guest bands – so stay tuned!

As we christen our new van on this tour, those who wish to contribute can do so by donating to various causes at each concert in Romania. We’ll be announcing our first partner foundations and associations soon, but if you have suggestions for cities where we’ll be performing, please feel free to share the with us.

Lastly, as a personal token of our gratitude to those who participated in the crowdfunding campaign, we’ll be organizing exclusive meet & greet sessions with them at all concerts during this tour.

Tour info & tickets on 


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