Club Midi – Opening Party

unnamedOne of Romania’s top electronic ambassadors, Raresh is the kind of DJ that doesn’t ever play the same kind of music. Hundred of parties, his passion for the mixer and his hunger for old and new helped him gain respect from an early age.

He’s been involved with like-minded citizens Pedro and Rhadoo for quite a while now, rocking the floors and releasing quality underground grooves on their [a:rpia:r] imprint. As this was not enough, he also has sonic plans involving Praslea in a project simply named #Praslesh.

And, that’s not all! His #Metereze label is set to release the finest house found in these lands and the 3 releases so far prove it.

The ever smiling wonder boy is our hero!

With both minimal and techno influences in a more profound way, Mihigh gained more and more credits in the last years, adding in his sound a distinctive mark of obscure, hypnotic sounds and sexy hat drops. When he isn’t playing in front of the crowd, Mihigh creates his own reality of sounds, constantly fathoming his music production skills.


ROCKSTADT 2024- ZIUA 5- public

Foto: Valentin Diaconescu

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Vineri 23 septembrie de la ora 23:00, se da startul unui nou sezon in Club Midi. Petrecerea este deschisa de Raresh si Mihigh.Club Midi - Opening Party