Shamanul sud-american Matias Aguayo revine in Bucuresti la Chestionabil 21. Dupa ce nu s-a dat dus de pe scena ultimei editii Rokolectiv, ne-am gandit sa-i oferim lui Matias ceva foarte important: TIMP. Vineri, 2 noiembrie, Matias va avea timp pentru unul din lungile sale set-uri presarate cu ritmuri latino-americane, percutie africana si picaturi de avant-pop in sos de dirty acid house. Evident, microfonul va fi plasat strategic langa mixer, in speranta ca Matias va cumpara cat mai multe vocale.
Cantaret, dansator, producator, promoter, dj, label-owner, globe trotter, Aguayo e un adevarat renaissance man. Penduland intre seriosul Kompakt si bombasticul Cómeme, Aguayo are la activ doua albume si foarte multe colaborari, printre care, cele mai notabile, cu Battles, Discodeine sau Rebolledo.
“I have various strategies to arrange the night depending on where I play. At certain places I know that I can play the way I like right from the start. At other places it’s more a process of seduction. I do have the extreme advantage of having a microphone, though. It makes it much easier to make contact with people. In a certain sense I’m pretty uncompromising by playing the music I’m up for. But it works!” (RA interview, “Matias Aguayo: The Vagabond”)