Australian space rockers AlithiA, release ethereal and hypnotic new single and video!

‘Here I Am’ is the hypnotic and ethereal new single and video from Australian space rock band AlithiA. The single is taken from their 2014 album To The Edge of Time. The Melbourne five piece are joined on the track by Hungarian violinist Flora Matisz (Hey Honey), while the track was produced and recorded by Dániel Sándor at Metropol Studios in Budapest, Hungary.
AlithiA recently completed their 2nd European tour performing in Hungary, Romania, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Slovakia and are currently on tour in Australia with a planned return European tour in 2015!

‘To the Edge of Time’ was recorded in Budapest, Hungary produced by Daniel Sandor. ‘To the Edge of time’ features an array of international guests such as New York based MC Illspokinn, Cvetan Haydzsiyski from smallman playing the Bulgarian Gaida, Violinist Matisz Flora, and Undos from Grand Mexican Warlock.
AlithiA’s music is being dubbed as ‘ASTRAL SPACE CORE’. More than simply a genre or musical tag, ASTRAL SPACE CORE, reflects a philosophy to embrace the exploration of the unlimited possibilities of the mind.


‘Here I Am’ official video:
‘Thirteen Revelations’ official video:
‘To the Edge of Time’ album:



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