Melbourne’s psychedelic space rockers, AlithiA, take us through the chaos of their frenetic live show and behind the scenes on tour in their new music video ‘SACRIFICE’. The video includes live footage from their Australian and European tours, as well as a warts and all behind the scenes footage of their European tours that extended to regions as far and wide as Russia, Bulgaria and Greece which can be seen in the video. It also includes scenes from the band’s forthcoming new mockumentary-art film, also titled Sacrifice (directed by George Kalpa). In Sacrifice, a hawk-eyed film crew follows the group for 48 hours as band members go through the motions, finding it difficult to come to terms with the proposed notion of an impending “departure show”.


‘Sacrifice’ is the group’s heaviest work, featuring guest vocals from Zoltan Bodoczy of Hungary’s premier art-rock quintet Grand Mexican Warlock. ‘Sacrifice’, a powerfully emotional and captivating track, is taken from the group’s critically acclaimed debut record To The Edge Of Time (Bird’s Robe Records). Quickly growing their reputation for frenetically explosive live shows, AlithiA also love to share their vivacious energy off stage. The video captures the band’s DIY ethic also dubbed as ‘street dogs’. This is a band that celebrates a lifestyle without boundaries. To be street dog is to re-write the rules…your way…share it…and have a ball with it…and join these crazies for the ride!


2016 is set to be a busy year for AlithiA, with their new album to be recorded between the crossroads of Europe and Asia, in none other than Istanbul, Turkey. Further international touring is on the horizon.


AlithiA’s reputation as a profound, deeply spiritual and entrancing live act has increasingly spread throughout the world, following recent supports of progressive luminaries such as Animals As Leaders (USA), Dead Letter Circus, Ne Obliviscaris, sleepmakeswaves, and Caligula’s Horse.


UNLISTED VIDEO LINK – Not for public viewing until release date.




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